Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Holiday 2011 Collection Preview

They're coming at us like a fast moving train...... The Holidays!  I've got your back for the upcoming holiday shopping season. My new collection of holiday gifts and gadget cases will be released on Tuesday November 1. Here's just a couple quick previews..........

I thought a lot about you when I was designing the pieces for this collection. I wanted to create things that you would like, and the kinds of gifts you love to give. Special, meaningful, and something really cool for that one guy on your gift list that has everything.  Oh my, I can't wait to show you!  Come back next Tuesday for the big reveal.....


Derek D. said...

Ok, Julie. You got me excited about Tuesday and it has come and gone...what's up? I want to buy some stuff!


Julie Boyles said...

I'm so glad you stuck around Derek! Computer crashes made my Holiday Collection a little tardy, but it's ready now! You can see it here:

I'll be writing more posts also featuring some of my favorite items.